This book is perfect for a wide range of audiences: healthcare professionals, community leaders, nonprofit organizations, mobilizers, policy makers and local political leaders, and citizens who want to tackle wicked problems like infant mortality in their communities.


  • Cincinnati’s Infant Mortality Journey: A Radical New Model for Tackling a Wicked Problem. You’ll gain an informative overview of how we got to the root of Cincinnati’s infant mortality problem, dismantled a dysfunctional and discriminatory system, and partnered with the community to create a new model of care that has saved over eight classrooms of children…and counting.
  • Tackling Your Community’s Wicked Problem: An Adaptable Framework That Works. While wicked problems are (by definition) complex and unique, there are proven steps communities can take to get to the root of these challenges and design effective systems change. We’ll share this flexible framework, along with examples of how it worked in Cincinnati.
  • Reducing Infant Mortality: Why Everyone Should Care About This Metric—and How to Improve It. Infant mortality is a reliable indicator of a community’s social experiences, economic well-being, and overall health. We’ll share our inspiring story as well as tips and best practices that you can adapt to combat infant mortality—and by extension, other determinants of health—in your community.
  • The Transformative Power of Trust-Based Philanthropy. Learn what this model is, how it differs from traditional grantmaking, and why engaging funders as partners can be the key to finally moving the needle on your community’s wicked problem.


  • Data Is Power—Use It Well. Objective data is crucial in defining and combatting wicked problems. Learn how to ensure that you are collecting the right data, sharing it with the right people, aligning on the right metrics, and using it all to leverage the lasting change your community needs.
  • What Really Causes Health Disparities? A Cincinnati Case Study. What happens inside a provider’s office is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a community’s medical outcomes. Social determinants of health, a lack of community support, and racial inequities were all major culprits behind Cincinnati’s wicked infant mortality problem.
  • How to Truly Listen to Community Voices—and Transform Them Into Action. Learn how to build trust with community members so you can co-create solutions with those who are most affected by your wicked problem.
  • How to Harness the Transformative—and Accelerating—Power of Trust. The key to moving quickly and in alignment—especially with multiple stakeholders—is building trust. (Otherwise, the majority of your time will be spent discussing what should be done, rather than actually doing it.) We’ll share dos and don’ts that will help you establish and maintain stakeholder relationships that are built on mutual confidence and respect. We’ll also discuss how to navigate any conflict that might arise.

For speaker inquiries, please contact Jill Miller at [email protected] or Dr. Meredith C. Smith at [email protected].

Authors can also tailor a presentation for your organization.

Discounts on bulk orders are available. Please contact Jill Haubner Miller at [email protected].

To engage Jill Haubner Miller and Dr. Meredith C. Smith for speaking and break-out sessions, please contact them.